Work With Me

I aim to share as much of my knowledge, methods and manifesting tips as I can through my posts and manifesting exercises, but naturally, sometimes you feel the need for more.

If you love what you read here and feel like it’s time to take your manifesting skills to the next level, I’d be happy to work with you personally.

At the moment, a few spots 1 on 1 manifesting sessions are available.

These manifesting sessions are a good fit for you if –

  • You are looking to create rapid and significant improvement in your life with manifesting techniques that actually work for you
  • You have a specific goal that you are looking to manifest and want to take the right kind of inspired action in order to achieve it
  • You feel the need for some inspiration and/or focused guidance
  • You have a list of life goals and want to structure a work plan that will help you organize it, so that you will be on the fast track towards achieving your goals

The Dollar Side

1 online manifesting session (60 minutes) – $80 USD

Series: 3 online manifesting sessions (60 minutes each) – $220 USD

To book your session, please contact me with your timezone and Skype ID, and we will take it from there. Once your session is scheduled, you can complete your payment by clicking the button –

Session Package

If you have any questions about the process, I’m here for you.

To your abundance!
