Congratulations, You Have Manifested It!

That thing you really wanted to manifest. And so far it’s still not there. It’s yours now.

Post manifesting: How do you feel?

Today I’d like to invite you to travel with me to the land of the not-so-distant future, to this lovely day right after you got exactly what you wanted to manifest.

(If you find it hard to imagine the day after, than you might want to do some cleaning of negative beliefs first, to really get in the vibe.)

So, you wake up, the very next morning. It could be the first day of your new life or just your first vacation day in a luxury resort in Hawaii. It doesn’t matter. But it’s here, it has arrived. You have made it. Continue Reading

Write it Down, Make it Happen: My Own Writing for Manifesting Technique

My View of Manifesting

To me, manifesting is a form of art. You have a goal and you set out to manifest it and the result you get is greatly influenced by your chosen set of tools and techniques. When I first started thinking about writing a manifesting and abundance blog, it was clear to me that the books that inspired me and helped me hone my set of manifesting tools will get a proper shout out here.

So this is the first one, titled “Write It Down Make It Happen – Knowing What You Want and Getting It” by Henriette A. Klauser. It’s a collection of stories. Different people who wrote down what they wanted and got it.

This book doesn’t have any elaborate manifesting techniques in it, but it confirms that what happened to me, when I wrote down my goals, was not a coincidence or something that works just for me. Continue Reading