Congratulations, You Have Manifested It!

That thing you really wanted to manifest. And so far it’s still not there. It’s yours now.

Post manifesting: How do you feel?

Today I’d like to invite you to travel with me to the land of the not-so-distant future, to this lovely day right after you got exactly what you wanted to manifest.

(If you find it hard to imagine the day after, than you might want to do some cleaning of negative beliefs first, to really get in the vibe.)

So, you wake up, the very next morning. It could be the first day of your new life or just your first vacation day in a luxury resort in Hawaii. It doesn’t matter. But it’s here, it has arrived. You have made it. Continue Reading

Using Visualization When Your Imagination Sucks

I’ll be the first to admit that my imagination sucks big time. And I used to feel bad about it, since we all know that one of the most potent manifesting tools is visualization.

But sometimes, you want to manifest something that you have no idea how to visualize. Unlike what you may be thinking, you don’t have to see what you want in your mind’s eye to manifest it. There is a nice workaround for it.
I call this method ‘satellite visualization’.

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2 Totally Awesome Ways o Achieve Your Goals

2 Totally Awesome Ways (that work!) to Achieve Your Goals

Fiddling with the law of attraction, I’ve learnt that contrary to popular belief, there are 2 completely opposite ways to achieve what you want in life, especially when it comes to manifesting things that you REALLY want like money, prosperity, a new relationship, a new job, and more.

Both ways I’m going to talk about work (I’ve been using both of years) but you don’t always get to choose which option to use, so you have to know both. Continue Reading